in the USA end in
divorce or separation
another statistic. Reignite your marriage with Relationship Lab today.

Since 1995, we have provided counseling and coaching sessions for more than 2,000 couples. Our success rate for rescuing relationships from the brink of disaster is 72%!
Welcome To
The Relationship Lab

We are certainly living in unprecedented times. The global crisis has literally changed the game for marriages! It’s astounding to think that more than 52% of marriages end in divorce. That means 1 out of every 2 marriages don’t make it!
67% of America can continue feeling unhappy, waiting for a miracle to happen while their lives pass them by. Or they can grasp the opportunity for life transformation and finally experience true satisfaction through personal freedom and the gift of a happy relationship.
Our Programs

Relationship Coaching
The Relationship Lab has a coach uniquely suited to help you carve the pathway to your deserved success in your current relationship.

Community Growth Group
A COMMUNITY GROWTH GROUP is a gathering of like-minded couples designed to inspire, equip and empower each other.

A private mentorship allows you to have a one-on-one relationship with your relationship coach.
What Our Clients Say About Us
H. RackhamBut I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth,
Our Big, Bold Promise

Our History
Our Coaches

Our lead coach, Dr. Phil Phillips is a transformational leader, trusted voice and a best-selling author. Learn More

Emma Phillips is an experienced coach who specializes in mentoring women who are seeking to find their voice and thrive in relationships. Learn More
How It Works

Tell Us Why You're Here
Answer a few questions to help us accommodate the perfect coach for you.

Set up a time to chat online, by phone, or in person with one of our professional coaches

Ongoing Support
Continue reaching out to Relationship Lab for any help you may need!